Paola Molino PhD.

FWF-Projektmitarbeiterin (Leitung: Katrin Keller)



  • 2011 FWF-IÖG Postdoc. Projektmitarbeiterin im Projekt: „Die Fuggerzeitungen. Ein frühneuzeitliches Informationsmedium und seine Erschließung.“ (
  • 2010-2011 Diplom der Vatikanischen Schule für Bibliothekswissenschaft (Rom).
  • 2007-2011 Promotionsstipendium des italienischen Außenministeriums am Europäischen Hochschulsinstitut (Florenz). Dissertationstitel: “L’Impero di carta: Hugo Blotius Hofbibliothekar nella Vienna di fine Cinquecento” (Verteidigt am 30.09.2011)
  • Februar-März 2010 Stipendium des Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane (SUM) im Rahmen des European Doctoral Program: „Europe and the Invention of Modernity: the Ancients and the Moderns“ organisiert von SUM-Florenz, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)- Paris, Central European University (CEU)- Budapest, Humboldt Universität, Berlin.
  • Mai 2007 Stipendium für die Teinahme an der Sommerschule in Venedig (Fondazione Querini-Stampalia) organisiert von der École française de Romeund die Universität Venedigs: “Comprendre et décrire le livre des temps modern”.
  • 2006-2007 European University Institute - Master of Research in the humanities
  • Januar-März 2005 Praktikum in der Handschriftensammlung der ÖNB (Wien)
  • 2001-2006 Studium der Geschichte an der Universität Florenz und Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz (Magisterprüfung am 06.02.2006)

Ausführlicher Lebenslauf unter


  • Geschichte der Wissenschaft, Organisation des Wissens
  • Geschichte Österreichs und Wien im 16. Jahrhundert
  • Geschichte der Bücher und Bibliotheken
  • Geschichte der Informationswesen (Forschungsschwerpunkt im FWF Projekt: Fuggerzeitungen im Vergleich)


List of conferences, workshops, seminar participations / Projects participation/ Working groups organization.
7th  March 2006: University of Florence. Laboratorio di Storia moderna: L'eredità di Erasmo. La diffusione dell'erasmismo in Europa nei secoli XVI-XVIII. Title of the paper: “Ad memoria Erasmi servandam”: la formazione e i progetti di un intellettuale erasmiano nell’Europa del tardo Cinquecento, Hugo Blotius (1534-1608).
9th December 2006, European University Institute, Florence. Workshop: The history of the seas and the world history, organised by Anthony Molho and Diogo Curto. Title of the paper: Hugo Blotius and his Universal library in Counter Reformation Vienna: a Eurocentric or a global project?
Autumn Term 2007: European University Institute, Florence.
Research Seminar: Commerce of letters and science: books, print and libraries (XVI-XVIII centuries), organised by Antonella Romano. Title of the paper: Hugo Blotius: from a universal project into the establishment of the Imperial Library (1568-1576). Research perspectives.
Research Seminar: The proof in history and law, organised by Pierre-Marie Dupuy and Anthony Molho. Title of the paper: Experience is proof: the use of rhetoric and dialectic in late 16th century travel’s instructions.
8th -9th  November 2007: Centre d'Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance, Tours. International Conference: Chemins de l’exil, havres de paix. Migrations d’hommes et d’idée au XVIe siècle, organised by Jean Balsamo and Chiara Lastraioli. Title of the paper: “Sin fortuna alicunde aspiret, eo vela vertam”: the controversial meaning of Vienna as havre de paix at the end of the 16th century.
30th  November-1st  December 2007: University of Stanford, California. International Conference: The Republic of Letters between the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, organized by Daniel Edelstein and Jacob Soll. Title of the paper: The Respublica Blotiana. An attempt to analyse Hugo Blotius’ changing network of correspondents.
30th January 2008: European University Institute, Florence. International Conference: Pubblico e Pubblici di Antico regime, organised by Antonella Romano, Benedetta Borello e Maria Antoniella Visceglia. Title of the paper: Viaggiatori, eruditi, famuli e cortigiani: il multiforme pubblico della Biblioteca Imperiale di Vienna alla fine del XVI secolo.
Spring term 2008: European University Institute, Florence.
Research seminar: European Historiography from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment organised by Prof. Diogo Curto. Title of the paper: The concept of method in the 16th century historiography.
27th -28th January – 5th-6th March 2009: European University Institute, Florence. Workshop: Rethinking biography, organised by Jaques Revel, Antonella Romano and Sabina Loriga. Title of the paper: The use of biographical sources for the study of the Imperial library in the late 16th century’s Vienna: strategies to “escape” an intellectual biography.
10th-11th October 2009: National University of Ireland, Galway. International conference: Early modern travel advices, organised by Daniel Carey, Gabor Gelleri and Tania Manca. Title of the paper: The mirror of the librarian: travel and organisation of knowledge in the legacy of Hugo Blotius.
Autumn Term 2009-2010: European University Institute, Florence. Research seminar: Places, Practices and Objects of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe, organised by Prof. Antonella Romano. Title of the paper: Libraries in early modern European societies.
7-11 April 2010, Venice, Annual conference of the Renaissance Society of America. Title of the panel: Early modern advices on the art of travel, organised by Clare Carroll. Title of the paper: Travel takes root.
9-10 Octobre 2010: National University of Ireland, Galway. International conference: Scientific instructions for travellers, organised by Daniel Carey, Gabor Gelleri, chair of the session Networks of exchange.
18th March 2011: University of Cambridge, Faculty of Classics, Sidgwick Ave. International conference: Scientific instructions for travellers II, organised by Daniel Carey, Gabor Gelleri. Title of the paper: Systems of Knowledge in the Late Sixteenth-Century Scholarly World: Instructions for Travellers and Instructions for Librarians in Comparison.
28th-30th April 2011: EUI, Departament of History and Civilization, GRACEH 2011 (Graduate Conferences in European History): Transfer and demarcations, co-organized by the EUI, the University of Vienna, and the Central European University in Budapest. Title of the paper: A case of forced demarcation? The confessionalisation of Vienna and the project of the Imperial library (1575-1608).
11th May 2011: EUI/Villa I Tatti, Harvard University in Florence. Workshop: Circulation in Early modern Europe: Ideas, Objects and People, organized by Prof. Giulia Calvia, Prof. Luca Molà and Prof. Allen Grieco. Title of the paper: Late 16th-Century Court Libraries: Termini or Temporary Stops in the Process of Knowledge Circulation?.
11th Ocotber 2011: Ungarische Geschichtsforschung in Wien, Balassi Institut – Collegium Hungaricum, Wien/Ungarische Archivdelegation in Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv, Wien/Institut für Byzanzforschung/. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Gemeinsame Tagung ZUM GEDANKEN AN JOHANNES SAMBUCUS (1531-1584). Ttitle of the paper: Sammeln im späten 16. Jahrhundert Wien: die Bibliotheken von Hugo Blotius, Johannes Sambucus und das Museum von Jacopo Strada im Vergleich.
Project participation:
Since September 2008: Text, Transmission and cultural exchangeled by Dr Daniel Carey and Professor Jane Conroy at the National University of Ireland, Galway. The project is based at the Moore Institute and is supported by the Andrew W. Mellon foundation. It illuminates the impact of travel writing and images on the transmission and exchange of culture within Europe and between Europe, Asia and the Americas from the 17th to the 19th centuries. Among the results of this research will be several new databases and editions of historical, literary and visual material.
Working groups organisation
Autumn term 2007-Spring term 2008, European University Institute: “Beyond intellectual biography” with Bianca Chen.
List of publications
Master thesis, Die andere Stimme, la formazione di un intellettuale erasmiano nell’Europa del tardo Cinquecento, Università degli studi, Febraury 2006, 2 volumes, 565 p.
PhD thesis, L’impero di carta: Hugo Blotius, “Hofbibliothekar” nella Vienna di fine Cinquecento, defended am 30.09.2011.
Sulle tracce di Hugo Blotius, in “Biblos” 54 /2, Wien, 2005, pp. 143- 146.
Istruzioni per un viaggio in Italia: “Hodoeporicum Hugoni Blotii earum rerum quas in Italia vidit et observavit”,in “Biblos” 55/1, Wien 2006, pp. 124-137.
Alle origini della Methodus Apodemica di Theodor Zwinger: la collaborazione di Hugo Blotius, fra empirismo ed universalismo,in “Codices Manuscripti, Zeitschrift für Handschifritenkunde” 56/57 (2006).
The Respublica Blotiana. An attempt to analyze Hugo Blotius’ changing network of correspondents,in“The Republic of Letters”, proceedings of the conference The Republic of Letters between Renaissance and Enlightenment held at Stanford (California) from 30th November to 1st December 2007, forthcoming.
Certe Viennae dicere idem mihi videtur atque olim Athenis, atque Romae dicere. Der Hofbibliothekar Hugo Blotius als Professor  der Rhetorik an der Universität Wien zwischen 1576 und 1578, with C. Gastgeber, okinNeulatein an der Univeristaet Wien, a cura di C. Gastgeber e E. Klecker, Vienna, Praesens, 2008, pp. 177-230.
Viaggiatori, eruditi, famuli e cortigiani: il multiforme pubblico della Biblioteca Imperiale di Vienna alla fine del XVI secolo, inPubblico e Pubblici di antico regime, a cura di Benedetta Borello, Pisa, Pacini ed., 2009.
Ein Zuhause für die Universale Bibliothek. Vom „Museum generis humani Blotianum“ zur Gründung der Hofbibliothek in Wien am Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts, in Biblos 58/1, 2009.
“Sin fortuna alicunde aspiret, eo vela vertam”: the controversial meaning of Vienna as havre de paix at the end of the 16th century, inChemins de l’exil, havres de paix. Migrations d’hommes et d’idée au XVIe siècle. Actes du colloque du Centre d'Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance (Tours 8-9 novembre 2007), sous la direction de Jean Balsamo (Université de Reims) et Chiara Lastraioli (CESR-Tours), Paris, Champion, 2010.
With Gabor Almasi, Nikodemismus und Konfessionalisierung am Hof Maximilians II., in Frühneuzeit-Info, Jahrgang 22 (2011).
I am currently collaborating at a special issue of the Journal Quaderni Storici with the title: “Tracing Knowledge, Making Science: A Global Approach to Renaissance”
 (proposed by Sabina Brevaglieri and Antonella Romano) to which I shall contribute with an article on the circulation of books on mathematics, magic and alchemy between Oxford, Vienna and Prague in the last decade of the 16th century, forthcoming 2012.
I am currently working at the publication of Hugo Blotius’ travel diaries in Italy, Austria and Slovenia between 1570 and 1574.