Dr.in Julia Bavouzet





Dr Julia Bavouzet is a postdoctoral historian working on the topic of 19th and 20th century Hungarian administration. She received her PhD from the University of Paris-Nanterre in 2017 with a dissertation on Hungarian high civil servants during the dualist era (forthcoming publication at the Presses universitaires de Rennes). She was awarded the Hungarica PhD Prize for this work.

She continued her research on Hungarian state administration at the Centre de Recherche Europes-Eurasie (Inlaco, Paris) and later received a research grant from the OeAD as part of the Institute for Austrian Historical Research at the University of Vienna. She is currently working on a research project on the transformation of statehood in Hungary after the First World War. Ms Bavouzet has been working at the Institute of Austrian Historical Research since May 2021. 

Research Interests

  • Transformation of statehood in the Habsburg Monarchy and its successor states
  • Social history of state elites
  • Mobility and refugee crisis
  • Anthropology of bureaucratic practices