Christof Muigg, BA MA
Researcher in the project: Managing Maximilian (1493-1519)
Institute for Austrian Historical Research, Members' Room, O1.82
Christof Muigg
Curriculum Vitae
- Since 1 September 2023 Research Associate in the CRC F9200 Managing Maximilian (1493-1519) - Persona, Politics, and Personnel through the Lens of Digital Prosopography; Subproject "Gendering Maximilian" (PI Univ. Prof. Dr. Christina Lutter), workplace at the Institute for Austrian Historical Research
- Until 28 February 2023 University Assistant (prae doc) at the Department of History (Modern History/Early Modern Period). 2023 University Assistant (prae doc) at the Department of History (History of Modern Times/Early Modern Times)
- Since 2017 Adjunct Faculty Member, Department of International Relations, Webster Vienna Private University
- 2017 - 2018 Project Assistant German Historical Institute, web project ‘German History - Intersections: Migration’
- 2016 MA History with distinction
- Winter semester 2015/16 Study assistant at the Department of History, University of Vienna
- Summer semester 2015 Tutor at the Department of History, University of Vienna
- 2015-2019 Cultural mediator/museum educator at the Museum of Military History Vienna/Military History Institute
- Studied History, Philosophy and English & American Studies at the University of Innsbruck and the University of Vienna
Research Interests
- Gender history
- Historical anthropology
- History of the European early modern period
- New military history/cultural history of violence
- Cultural history of diplomacy
Dissertation: "Precarious practice. Strategies of imperial military leaders in diplomacy around 1648"
- Arbeitskreis Militär und Gesellschaft in der Frühen Neuzeit
- Arbeitskreis Geschlechtergeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit
- Institut für die Erforschung der Frühen Neuzeit