Mag. Mag. Dr. Clemens Gantner

Senior Lecturer








Curriculum Vitae

Senior Lecturer (SPL 7)
Post-doc Researcher in the project HistoGenes


Tel.: 01-4277-27253


Born on 11 February 1981 in Munich, Germany; Nationality: Austrian

University education

  • 1999-2005: Mag. phil. in History and Communication Studies, University of Vienna (with distinction).
    Thesis: Die Wahrnehmung des Islam und der Sarazenen im frühmittelalterlichen
    Supervisors/Examiners: Walter Pohl (University of Vienna), Anton Scharer (University of Vienna)

  • 2005-2009: Mag. phil. in Historical Research, Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Science, Institute of Austrian Historical Research (IÖG), University of Vienna (with distinction).
    Master's thesis: Studien zur handschriftlichen Überlieferung des Liber Pontificalis am Beispiel der so genannten Langobardischen Rezension
    Supervisors/examiners: Walter Pohl (University of Vienna), Anton Scharer (University of Vienna)
    State examination from 17-19 March 2009, thereby becoming a member of the Institute of Austrian Historical Research.

  • 2005-2011: Dr. phil. in History, University of Vienna, 01.07.2011 (with distinction)
    PhD thesis: Die Wahrnehmung von Anderen in päpstlichen Quellen des achten und neunten Jahrhunderts.
    Supervisors: Walter Pohl (University of Vienna), Claudia Rapp (UCLA / University of Vienna)
    The revised print version is available online free of charge at:


Academic career

  • 2008-2010: Research assistant in the FWF Wittgenstein Award project of Prof. Walter Pohl. My individual project: "Perception of the Other and self-identification: The perception of "others" in papal sources of the 8th and 9th century" dealt with the question of how the papacy in the early Middle Ages dealt with Langobards, Franks, Greeks and Muslims.

  • 2010-2013: Research assistant in the HERA project "Cultural Memory and the Resources of the Past", including supervision of the sub-project: "The popes as cultural brokers between east and west in the eighth century". In addition, many project management tasks were undertaken, including the preparation of scientific reports and financial statements.

  • 2013-2014: Member of staff in the ERC Advanced Grant project "SCIRE" (Head: Walter Pohl)

  • 2015-2022: Post-doc Researcher at the Department for Historical Research in Identity, Medieval Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna; independent research project on: "Emperor Louis II and Carolingian ninth-century Italy".

  • 2022-2023: Visiting Professor in Medieval History, University of Vienna


Key Research Topics

  • Communication, migration, cultural contact and cultural exchange in the early medieval Mediterranean (Latin West – Byzantium – Islamic world)

  • Early medieval Italy (monograph on Louis II of Italy)

  • Southern Italy as a contact zone between the Latin West, Byzantium and the Islamic world

  • The early medieval papacy



Louis II of Italy: Imperial Carolingian identity in ninth-century Italy and its afterlife.


Conference organisation

  • 2009: Organisation of the Wittgenstein-Preis Conference ‘Visions of Community. Ethnicity, Religion and Power in the Early Medieval West, Byzantium and the Islamic World’, Vienna 17.-20. June.

  • 2013: with Rosamond McKitterick Organizer of the Conference ‘Cultural Memory and the Resources of the Past - Final Conference’ at British School, Rome, IT

  • 2015: Organisation of the Princeton-Oxford-Vienna Graduate Exchange from 1.-2. June in Vienna, with Guest universities FU Berlin and Mainz.

  • 2016: Organisation of the ERC SCIRE Conference ‘Italy and Its Rulers in the Ninth Century: Was there a Carolingian Italy?’, Vienna, 25.-26. April.

  • Organisation of many sessions at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds between 2010 and 2022, in particular the sessions of the HERA CMRP project and the ERC AdG SCIRE project.



  • Member of SISMED (Italian Society for the Study of the Middle Ages).

  • SAAME Network: Centro interuniversitario per la storia e l'archeologia dell'alto medioevo, director: Stefano Gasparri, University of Venice, Ca' Foscari.

  • Network: At the Crossroads of Empires: International Network dedicated to the study of the early medieval church of Sant'Ambrogio near Montecorvino Rovella.

  • Board member of the series at Amsterdam University Press: Italy in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages

  • Member and group leader at Global Eurasia III: Knowledge transfer. Interdisciplinary project at the Austrian Academy (

  • Member of the Institute of Austrian Historical Research


A current list of publications can be found here.